
-❀Name: Goosberry
-❀Affects: Crescent moon nightgown, Dai-ryumyaku Bracelet
-❀Genders: (dress)Female, hair acc(all)
-❀Race: Midlander, Highlander, Miqo’te, Elezen, Roegadyn, Au Ra, Viera (hair acc is all races)
-❀Contributors: SN for the original mesh, TF for the body, Bliss for helping with weights
-❀Comments: A shining nikki mashup, dress includes a long version with a front bow or a short version with a back bow. The rose is for all races and genders. The dress is fitted to TF vanilla(i think), designed for small butt sizes. A huge thanks to Bliss for helping me with the weights and to my friends who helped me decide between meshes.

-❀Feel free to join the Wisteria discord to see wips and other releases: Discord

-❀If you like my work please consider supporting me on kofi



Hi i'm Mika and I mainly make accessory mods. If you want to see wips and such I have a corner in the Wisteria mods discord: I also have a kofi if you like my work and wish to support me ♥

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