Glowing Eyes for All Fem Viera Faces

A set of glowing eyes to release your inner entity.

Made completely from scratch using SE assets, with help from Linku.

Works for both Veena and Rava, overrides Reaper Eyes but nothing else and you can still use your eye mods underneath! Just unequip the earring when it no longer suits you.

Color of the emissive glow and emissive glow strength can be edjusted in either
Penumbra or TexTools from rows 13-16 (13 lightest colors, up to 16 the darkest color).

For the previews all I had to do was change the Emissive Color on row 16, and the glow at around 400, but obviously, play around with it!

If you can’t see the conctacts, make sure the hat you’re wearing has the earring metadata turned ON
in Penumbra or TexTools.

Enjoy! <3

Zizi Bee

Hi I'm Z! I make and edit stuff sometimes!

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