Fuga Haori for TBSE Killer Bod


UPDATE: I am an idiot. Thank you to the lovely soul who told me this was still broken on Au Ra, their tits have been returned to them. Apologies for the impromptu top surgery. Also fixed the messed up shadows on the back.

Ports the vanilla Fuga Haori to TBSE Killer Bod. Also changes metadata so it should work on Au Ra too! (No idea why they’re separate but, yknow. It’s like that sometimes). Also I fixed the messed up shadows on the neck part after this pic was taken so they should be minimized too.

Killer Bod is a non-op mod for TBSE that is (as of 3.0!) compatible with default TBSE textures. It can be found here (NSFW): https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/67409

Have an item you want me to upscale for Killer Bod? Send it here! https://forms.gle/QVN2Q1KZk5K2U5us6


they/them I (usually) make upscales for niche bodies.

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