Floral Gratitude


So, this dress was made to give back to every single person who ever taught me how to mod or helped me. I’m still learning and every mod I feel like I get better or things get easier. But it’s been hard and rough sometimes not understanding something or restarting 6 or 7 times for one mod and then giving up only to try again another time. You guys give me the willpower to keep it up and stay in this little hobby of ours.
I met tons of people in this hobby who I call good friends and inspirations to do better. Shinny for always being a listening ear and keeping me motivated, Midna for always being so fun to speak to and being so supportive, Bizu for giving me tips and tricks to do things better, Illy for staying up late with me to teach me 3dsmax, Koneko for always helping me with my silly questions or when I really screw up my mods. You guys have all my gratitude and I’m so happy to have met you all. Thank you so much.
Now there’s a couple people I really want to thank, these guys have always been there for me and always know when to cheer me up. To start with these lovely ladies are Justina (My FC Mom) and Ducky (My server partner) who always had my back and made me feel good regardless of the day or just be stupid. Hugo, my in-game husband and my best friend since we were teenagers who always let me know to calm down when I was really upset when things didn’t go my way. You were always there for me and my stupidity when I wanted to do something or just kidnap you for pictures. Saiko, for always making me feel good about a screenshot or a mod and making me feel like I was doing something with everything I did.

Basically, thank you so much you lovely people <3

P.S To the person who said they hoped I find my niche and make it in this community, I hope so too and I want to see you continue your success.

This dress was made with an asset from artstation: https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/MRdz/ball-dress-marvelous-designer-clo3d-project-obj-fbx
Skirt weights are kinda off, but I did my best!
Fully dyeable (Dress and Shoes)
Bibo+ is required!!

Discord: https://discord.gg/d7eu3ejC3J
-This will have the non-lace texture uploaded in the server only channel.


I mostly do, custom poses for CM or ANA programs and if you would like to see anything please do DM me!

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