Flop ‘n Tail


A simple combo of yue_kamui’s Sad Bun ears (for Female ears 01) and zauskha’s Bunny Tails for Viera! Credit goes to those creators.
I’ve also included my own ears turned into flop ears (Female 2-4 & Male 1-4 Ears).
It will work with custom ear textures, but not other ear/tail model-changing mods.
There will be earholes for all vanilla hairs (From patch 6.1 and earlier), so please use one of the latest patch hairs or modded hair to avoid this!!

Please follow the original contributor’s permissions for any edits! (For the Tail and Female Ears 1)
For my own ears (Female 2-4, & Male 1-4) feel free to edit for personal use or public release (with credit).
Do not edit and release it in any paid mods!


Just an orang doing some stuff.

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