Fat Chocobo Recolor


Are you tired of not having the Fat Black Chocobo from the limit time promo? Perhaps no longer have access to it because it’s on an old character? Well I was, so I fixed the problem! Includes default yellow color, black, and even white because I felt like being an overachiever for three seconds. Also allows you to choose between the chocolate and strawberry cake bait options for when you fly because I’m more of a strawberry dude, but understand chocolate lovers exist.

Replaces textures on the Fat Chocobo with textures from either the Fat Black Chocobo mount or the Original Fat Chocobo mount.

Public Release: December 2023


Hello there I'm Royal_Teas of the Trash Pack crew. For some reason the crew got into modding. For some reason we decided to release a few mods we like to use/experiment with and so on behalf of the trio I took the stupid time to post them. Don't expect grandeur, because trust me we're winging it. However enjoy all the same! Wanna support our stupidity? (Which shocks us tbh.) Feel free to throw something at Atleion's Ko-Fi so we can buy more chimken nuggies. Otherwise? Kick back, relax, and feel free to join us on this wild ride.

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