Fat Cat and Miqo Living Shadow


An ability/VFX mod
“Catboy Living Shadow” gives Fray/Living Shadow Miqo’te ears and tail.
“Fat Cat Living Shadow” replaces Fray with the Fat Cat minion model.
“Fat Cat Head Shadow” replaces Fray’s head with the Fat Cat minion.

A joke within my static made real

WARNING: Because I don’t know how to mod animations, the fat cat version is very cursed and super stretchy. Use at your own risk.

27/2/23 Update: Got a request for Fray with a fat cat head so I did it. Fat cat head is also stretchy so be warned. Thanks to Ruzh for the idea!

– If you know how to mod animations, feel free to fix the fat cat if you’d like. If you happen to do so please DM me @DuskAmaryllis on Twitter so I can link to it!

Thanks to:
– mephi for their “Miqo’te Ears for Everyone” (https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/624)



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