Premium Content: Espresso – Makeup based on Kaiza Sculpt 7.0

Espresso – Makeup based on Kaiza 7.0 by Crono
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Mod packs (pmp) for all Male Miqo’te Faces
2 Versions: Dark Lip with & without lower Lash || Nude Lip with & without lower lash
(lower lash is part of the makeup, it is not a texture)
PNG files to use with your own custom clanmarks
Normal & Mask Files


  • Do not claim my work as your own
  • Do not sell/distribute my work
  • Personal Edits are okay


  • This makeup was made and tested on the Kaiza 7.0 sculpt with F4 as my base. I am not responsible for how it’ll look on other sculpts/vanilla faces
  • I am not responsible for how the makeup looks with certain reshade/gshade shaders


  • Crono for the sculpt
  • Yuria for 2K Face Diffuse Resource [DT]

This is a digital product, all sales are final/no refunds


Makeup Creator || Screenshot Edits


Contact author for perms.