Distant Promise


a vanilla mashup of the leonhart bottoms and welkin breeches for all m model midlanders! more previews available on gumroad!

i’m still pretty new to this so if there’s weird clipping / texture issues, something doesn’t fit right, etc hmu on twitter @peachconfetii and let me know so i can fix it. i tested everything as best i could but maybe i missed something!

❧ replaces welkin breeches and virtu welkin breeches. each has their own default color scheme!

❧ dyable in game! only pants will dye; sash and accessories require editing the colorset if you want to change them, sorry :[

❧ should be compatible with all long vanilla boots ( and regular footwear too )

❧ anything that modifies or replaces the leg shape will probably cause clipping issues

✔ you’re free to make personal edits / conversions / upscales of anything i make to your heart’s content, you don’t even need to ask

✘ DO NOT include edits / conversions / ports of anything i make in any vaults, paywalled modpacks, paywalled mod releases, or subscription services under any circumstances. if something i publish is free and available to everyone, it’s meant to stay that way

✘ DO NOT port any of my mods to the Eve body or to Otopop

✘ DO NOT make, port, or use NSFW edits of my mods for use with lalafells, underage characters and / or underage NPCs

✘ DO NOT make, port, or use any of my mods or their edits in content containing beastiality or exploitation of underage characters / NPCs

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