Different Ways (Findingway & Crescent Moon Upscale/Edit)


Updated to v3: Added Crescent Moon textures so that your mount and minion will always match.

I think I speak for everyone when I say that when I unlocked this minion yesterday, I fell in love immediately. Just look at the baby!!! How cute is that?

Cute, but could be cuter, thought I! And so this mod came into being.

Different Ways is a texture upscale for Findingway, the minion unlocked at Respected with the Loporrit tribal quests. It also comes with optional retextures to make the minion resemble Livingway (the brown one) or Counselingway (the ashen-furred loporrit), as well as options for smiling variants of all three.

As of v3 it also ports the same textures to the Crescent Moon mount, so that you can take your little buddy soaring through the skies with you. It will automatically match whichever option you selected.


Just a bird trying to make some pretty mods. I primarily focus on the vanilla aesthetic, making mashups and edits to existing content.

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