Demon, My Sweet (Vanilla Outfit Mashup)

Hello!! Back again with another mashup!!

Includes dress and boots. Boots have two customization options (with ribbon and without) and both the dress have three different color sets.

Colors Include: Pastel Pink, White, and Classic Halloween Orange.

Items Replace:
Dress: Witch’s Coatee
Shoes: Theophany Thighboots

Black part of dress dyes and black part of theophany boots (top piece) dyes

The demon wings come from the Demon Brick minion. While I did as best I could with the weights, they may be a bit floppy. However they seem to pose fine.
Clipping in extreme posing/certain animations. There seems to be none when just doing normal game tasks.

If you take screenshots with my mods, I’d love to see them <3 Please use #exiemods on twitter <3

As always, if there’s any issues with the outfit, please do not hesitate to reach out!!! I wish to fix what is broken. Best way to reach me is through my twitter which is linked on my profile here and on ko-fi! You can also do so on discord if you found me through there!

Once again, the download link/preview images are on my ko-fi via the download button. Thank you all so much for your interest with my mods as I navigate the learning process in making them <3

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