Dark Knight 2.0: The Darkening


Have you ever wanted to do dark knight stuff, but needed to DPS? Well, this is the mod for you then. I’ve transformed Reaper into Dark Knight. Now you can DPS as the original edgy and not worry about all that tank stuff like cooldowns, aggro, and boss positioning. Brain off, dark knight on.

Ah, after turning brain off, I almost forgot. I didn’t include auto attacks, /bstance, /vpose, or /cpose because I wanted to highlight another mod I’m using called Animation Picker. Check that out and scratch the itch of all your non-combat animation needs.

As always, if anything is busted or not working, feel free to DM me kofi, on Discord (crystariumsquad), or on Twitter (@FF14_DorkKnight).

P.S. I’ll probably make a showcase video for this later. It’s 2:45AM at the time of my writing this and I’m very tired. I figured since it’s free, I could release it without one and make one later. That and the fact that it’s mostly just DRK but on RPR…

If you wanna support my work, my ko-fi account is below. My day job covers my normal expenses. I send any ko-fi funds to my granny or my dad to help with their expenses so I’d appreciate even just a follow to have extra eyes on me. C:

Update 1.0.01
Added Death Warrant (PvP skill). It’s included with RPR Spells now because it shares its animation with Harpe.


Y'shtola's Disciple and Acolyte | Gaia's husband | Pronouns are My Lord/His Excellency | Please respect them | pfp artwork is by krekkov | | When I first started out, I had no idea I was gonna get into modding, but here I am. Making a bit of scratch doing what I love. I'm doing this full-time until my ideas dry up and I have to get a real job. So if you wanna buy me a few tomestones so I can pay Rowena for rent, I'd appreciate it.

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