Premium Content: [Cry] Doll Starter Set [Gen3][Doll]

Doll Starter Set is a mod exclusively for the Gen3 Doll Body, which can be downloaded from XMA

It will not work without the body installed, as the set requires materials from the Doll Body.

Items Replaced:
Chest: Hempen Camise
Pants: Hempen Pantalettes
Gloves: Punching Gloves
Feet: Dhalmelskin Thighboots
Breastplate (Wrist slot): Scaevan Bracelet of Aiming (or any of them)

All main metal parts can change with the colorset toggles between Silver and Gold.

Some bits of the chest and pants, such as the Doll Emblem (which is on the SFW Doll Body Set as well) is changed by chainging the metal material on the Doll Body mod.
Since the starter set lets the SFW undies peek through the middle of the chest.

Crystal and Breastplate are on the Wrist/Bracelet slot.
To easily unequip the Breastplate, while keeping the crystal, just toggle the mod to “Crystal Only” Which will remove the breastplate.

Breastplate glass and Crystal will glow and change color when dyeing the Wrist item In penumbra only.

This set is made to match the [Cry] Big Spoon [Weapon] weapon mod.

Everything in the set has been made completely from scratch from the ground up in Blender.
Programs used, for reference:
Blender, Substance Painter, Photoshop.


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