Credendum YoRHA (with B+ Small Clearance)

Model edit of Mabel’s Credendum Yorha vanilla mashup dress refitted to allow clearance for small/lithe/juicy bottoms for all tall female races. It’s vanilla sized, but the arms/back/neck are bibo!

Affects the YoRHA Type-55 Jacket of Fending/Maiming for all tall female models.

Tested with the following:

Bibo+ small
Bibo+ juicy (including my Hypostatic Bottoms mashup)
Lithe+ small vanilla

Also includes a bunch of new mix and match colorsets for a total of 25 unique combinations!

Mabel’s original mashup:


berselium is my main twitter and ElizaFustel is my ffxiv one, feel free to contact me at either! I work exclusively with lithe+ small/vanilla and/or bibo+ small but feel free to upsize/downsize as long as you let me know and link back!

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