Corpo Eyes – An Eye Mod

Hello! Thank you for downloading my Corpo Eyes! They were inspired by my V’s eyes in Cyberpunk 2077, and are my first try at glowing textures. They are not perfect, but I still thought I’d share them. :3c

Included in this mod are the following raw files:
Corpo Eyes multi by Eleanora (me)
Corpo Eyes catchlight by Eleanora
Upscaled normal by Craziux (

They are Atramentum Luminis compatible so long as you set the Iris Framework to **Textures-only (Legacy, Deprecated).**

To make eyes glow:
– Navigate to Advanced Customizations in Glamourer
– Change any of the R,G,B settings under Left Eye Color/Right Eye Color to a number greater to 1.0

If using a Reshade/Gshade preset, Arcane Bloom adds pop to the glow.

To install via Penumbra, please use the following guide:

If you are old school like me and still use TT to make modpacks for specific OCs:
– Import your OC’s face sculpt or navigate to their vanilla one
– Navigate to the IRI A options
– Import to the Multi channel
– Import Eleanora-CorpoEyes-catchlight.png to the Reflection channel
– Import Craziux-normal.png to the Normal channel
– Save and create a modpack as needed to install into Penumbra

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Discord – .jetblackmagick
Twitter – jetblackmagick
The Greenhouse –

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