Coffee Break

(spends an hour trying to put “Adventure” in the title before giving up)

Combines Mabel’s Coffee hair (Lia’s Midlander port) with hair 130 (Adventure) bangs.
Replaces Hair 102 for F Midlanders only for now (I had to adjust a LOOOT of things so this took a lot out of me) but I’m slowly working on adding other races in the future. The original is for Au Ra and Viera and there is a Miqo’te port as well, so I will be focusing on those first.
As per the original, should be mostly hat compatible and fit around the Calfskin Rider’s Hat.

Mabel’s original mod:

Lia’s Midlander port:

Since this is a longer hair, there’s gonna be clipping around the shoulders, sorry! The weights on the braid are also a little wonky, but I’ve done my best to smooth them out.


berselium is my main twitter and ElizaFustel is my ffxiv one, feel free to contact me at either! I work exclusively with lithe+ small/vanilla and/or bibo+ small but feel free to upsize/downsize as long as you let me know and link back!

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