Premium Content: Classy

A three piece outfit, designed on TBSE but upscaled to my usual female sizes as well.

Contains a top with a variant to add a corset, a harness on a ring, and a vest.

Metadata customizable to remove the tie, and option to wear the vest without the top.

Various dye options for the top by default, further customizable via colorsets.


– Bibo S/M/L/XL/Uranus chest + S/M/L legs
– YAB S/M/L chest + Watermelon and Skull crusher legs + Default and small butt
– Bimbo S/M/L Chest + legs
– Rue Almond chest + legs
– Nymph AFAB and AMAB + YAB leg compatibility

– Default
– Slim
– X
– Highlander
AFAB and AMAB for all

Credits: Yurippie & Demi-Fiend

HRbody Medium

Credits: Yurippie & Demi-Fiend & Hilde

Make sure you have the original version enabled at priority 0 and any upscale on prio 1.

Any bug reports or mod help go in my server,


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