Bloody Mary by Lye – Ribcage TBSE Accessory

+ Bloody Mary by Lye & Model from DUTP:
+ Tsar for TBSE | Red/Spiswel for Fab Trans Men | Illy, Tsar, Bizu for Bibo+

Bloody Mary – Ribcage Only TBSE Accessory
+ Aesthete’s Bracelet of Gathering

Edited the ribcage on the Bloody Mary dress port by Lye, then fitted it to TBSE and tossed it on a bracelet! Should fit over tighter shirts just fine. Equipping any GLOVES will hide this accessory, so make sure to remove them or change the metadata on the gloves to not hide bracelets.

Weights are to the chest, so it will move with the body. It weighted okay to me, but definitely reach out if there are any major issues.

Basil ❀✿

RPer, Gposer, & Mediocre Modder. Trans masc cabbit, very shy, and trying my best.

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