Black Ice – Reaper VFX

Make a contract with an ice-aspected voidsent to become a chilling nightmare. Through the power of your avatar, you can conjure blizzards, command spikes of ice to rise up from the ground, and even freeze your enemies alive—only to shatter them moments later.

This mod converts all Reaper actions to an ice theme, focused primarily on VFX from Shiva and Halone. A set of matching action icons and a recolored job gauge are included as well.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to certain animation changes, the base VFX for The End and Guillotine don’t work for Lalafells, Hrothgars, or male Roegadyn. If you play one of these races, please instead use the alternate versions I made for these actions.

A note about the 6.5 update: I am aware that the update broke some of the actions in this mod, but I have been unable to fix them. A few effects that other people report broken are still working fine for me, and there are others that I have been able to fix in VFXEditor but will immediately break again upon importing into Penumbra. Another Reaper VFX mod that I personally use is plagued by similar issues, so I believe this is a problem inherent to Reaper. I will come back and implement fixes if I ever can, but for now I’m assuming it’s just not possible with current knowledge.

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