Bibo/KNiku Flamenco by N’ana

Bibo and KNiku medium upscales of N’ana’s Flamenco, short sleeveless version only. Metadata altered to allow pants, clearance up to bibo med bottoms. Expect clipping around the arms/underarms during posing. I did my best to minimize it, and it should be fine during normal gameplay, but armpits are always troublesome.

Original mod:

Perms: I don’t care, as long as you don’t use it in paid/vaulted content. respect n’ana’s original perms. credit is nice but not required. use #evamods on twitter or tumblr if you want me to see your cute screenshots.

Credits: tsar/illy/bizu for bibo, d87 for kniku, n’ana for the original vindictus port.

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