Berube Skipper Amaro Hatchling Recolour

One of the first successes of the Crystarium’s newfound Berube Skipper repopulation project, spearheaded by Bethric of the Crystalline Means. Perhaps with time, the Berube Skipper will soar Norvrandt’s skies once more – but for now, this little one seems perfectly happy to follow you from the ground.

A mod that recolours the Amaro Hatchling (purchased after maxing all Shared FATE ranks in Shadowbringers zones) to resemble Skip, the brown-and-tan amaro seen in the Facet of Nourishing Crystarium quests. It’s also upscaled, just for funsies. As this is only a texture mod, it will be compatible with any 3D edits.


Just a bird trying to make some pretty mods. I primarily focus on the vanilla aesthetic, making mashups and edits to existing content.

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