Premium Content: Beckoning Cat

Beckoning Cat
Outfit for all tall females

╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Information
✧ Affected items : Quaintrelle’s Ruffled Dress, Quaintrelle’s Dress Shoes, and Loyal Housemaid’s Wristdresses
✧ Body: Mixture of Bibo+ and Lithe+

✦ Includes dress with bloomers, shoes, and wristdresses

✦ Dyeable, as well as colorset editable

✦ Diffuse only version included for those who like to color on things ^^

Legs/bloomers are attached to the dress in order to preserve shape and avoid clipping due to this, non affected races will appear legless- sorryyy


Hi, I'm Zuzy! Thank you for visiting my page! I'm just a mom who loves gaming and hanging out with my cats.

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