Azeyma’s Horn Jewelry

Every time a new expansion comes, a new pretty earring is released and every time the vanilla earrings always are hidden behind my au ra’s horns >:(

So, in retaliation, here are Azeyma’s Earrings made into Horn Jewelry for all Vanilla Female Au Ra horns (and Longerrpig’s Polyercerate horns since someone requested it)!

+Horn 1 has a variant because I made the first version, didn’t like it, so made another :P

+The mod comes with 3 colorsets but I HIGHLY recommend you use penumbra colorset to adjust it to your own liking!

Use #DiacredMods if you want me to see your pictures! Hope you like these!

I’ll try to make some Menphina ones too when I have more time.

Perms: Do whatever you want just don’t use my mods for anything creepy, illegal, or paid. Feel free to port to whatever you want, just credit me!


Local Thancred lover that dabbles with mods.

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