Athenaeum Corselet: A Vanilla Mashup

Part two in a series of outfits I made for my WoL which captures the gear changes and job changes through the MSQ. This one represents the journey to Coerthas, learning astromancy in Ishgard.

It is a mash-up of the Cryptlurker’s Corselet of Scouting, the Hypotstatic Tunic of Aiming and the Shadowcleaver’s Armor. I was hoping to sort of merge the more formal Ishgard aesthetic with the glam we all know and love with Astrologian Artifact armors.

This one has some options. Its dyable and has a glow/non-glow options. By default the gems glow when dyed and will thematically match the dye alongside the vest which dyes darker and the undershirt which dyes lighter. If you also do not want it to glow, you’ll just want to manually colorset things. Colorset rows are provided in the Ko-Fi description.

+ Affects: Cryptlurkers Corselet of Scouting (I had no idea what to swap it to tbh)
+ For: Midlander Based Males
+ Contributors: Square Enix for Vanilla Assets

Please feel free to port, edit, upscale, etc, to your heart’s content. Paid edits are fine, too, please support your favorite modders, I insist! Credit would be nice if you or your favorite modder decide to do any of the above! ♥


Possibly three dachshunds in a trench coat.

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