Ascian Living Shadow (Fandaniel, Elidibus, Emet, and more!)

Just as Emet Selch formed a facsimile of Amaurot and populated it with Shades of his ancient comrades, you too can summon a Shade of an Ancient to your side. Reclaim lost Ascian arts and call forth echos of souls who had championed Zodiark’s cause.

This mod affects Living Shadow, and is highly customizable. Choose a weapon for them to wield, as well as a tutorial to swap their weapons yourself. Additionally, choose from several shades to summon, including:

Fandaniel (Uses his outfit from Endwalker):
Elidibus (Complete with White robe):
An Ascian using the Glyph of the Reaper’s:
An Ascian using the Ascian Prime Glyph:

For the hyperperfectionists, these are not the exact outfits used by the NPCs, but rather recolors and retextures of similar assets. This means there may be minor differences in color or patterns, however they should be for the most part unnoticeable.

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