Alternate Young Lahabrea/Hephaistos

Wanted to make Hephaistos have his Elezen based face instead of the Highlander one so I made this edit!

Didn’t really touch his head model so its mostly a texture edit. Has the option to replace either Young or Old Lahabrea, Young Laha will have an eyebrow color problem unfortunately if you’re doing it with his other hairstyle.

Explanation for the twitter screenshot stuff you may have seen down below

Heads up for anyone that blamed me for it on twitter, I DID NOT touch the saturation/value/hue of his face at all. You can compare and contrast down here or get the mod texture + xiv texture yourself before trying to frame me for something I didn’t do.

Left Original, Right Mod. And yes those are the original colors of the game textures. Gaius is the same as well:


The game puts the skin color you choose ( on top of the diffuse. My screenshots of modded Lahabrea have the original skin color selected, the only difference is that he’s in a well-lit area, unlike Pandaemonium.


I like making gear ports/edits and like playing around with NPCs like dolls. Join my Discord or follow my trello to see what I'm working on!

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