Premium Content: ❈ GothVict+ – High-Poly Sculpt! ❈

GothVict+ – High-Poly Sculpt!:
↳ [Private]
❈ Races: Miqo’te – Feminine
❈ Affects: 01/101 & 04/104 –Seeker of the Sun/Keeper of the Moon
❈ Description: A High-Poly Sculpt for Feminine Miqo’te, 01/101 & 04/104. Uses Face 104 as a base. Changes made to the base model involve reshaping the eyes, mouth, nose, chin, jawline, and cheeks. Includes LorFangs, custom Lash/Brow Meshes & Retextures, optional Eye Specular. Includes Custom Forehead Toggle, Mole Toggle, & Cheek Toggle.

  • Includes the following model options:
    + Default.
    + Duo Toned Heterochromia.
  • Includes hand painted Face Diffuse with the following options:
    + Custom Specular edits for Lip Gloss.
    + Specular edits for compatibility with all Skin Tones.
    + Cleaned Normal Map.
    + Ear Flap Toggle.
    NOTICE: Includes Seeker and Keeper clan marks, as well as clanless!
  • Includes custom Brow, Lash, and Toggle Retextures with the following options:
    + Dyeable Brows/Black Lashes.
    + Dyeable Brows/Dyeable Lashes.
    + Dyeable Brows/Dyeable Lashes/Dyeable Shadow.
    + Black Brows.
    + Custom Mole Toggle.
    + Optional custom cheek toggle design.
    + Optional custom forehead toggle design.
    Custom Toggles replace Vanilla Mole, and Earring Racials.
    NOTICE: Optional Toggles can be dyed using the Racial Dye Option.
  • Comes with optional hand painted Eye Specular.
  • NOTICE: The included LorFangs have been slightly adjusted.
    + Textures have been edited to be less bright.

❈ Disclaimer: Face Sculpts involve removing all shape keys! What you see is what you get.

  • Known Issues:
    – Minor visible neck seam under certain lighting conditions.

Credits: Illyriana for LorFangs.

↳ Do not share/claim as your own.
↳ Do not use as a template for other mods.
↳ Private edits to the diffuse/sculpt are fine, but it must stay private.


Hi. I'm Trixi. Sometimes I make things. ・ Need help? Contact me here: @Setrixi ・ Feel free to tag me! ・ #TrixiTricks

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