❈ Fluffy-n-Wild! ❈


Fluffy Azem!:
↳ [Public]
❈ Races: Miqote – Male
❈ Affects: Hair 106
❈ Hat Compatible: No
❈ Description: Combines the back and sides of a modified Viera Hair 07 with the front of Hair 157: Modern Aesthetics – Styled for Hire for Male Miqo’te. Includes a version with the braids from Viera Hair 01 along the back.

Includes 2 variations:
↳ Without braids along the back.
↳ Braided Fluffy-n-Wild!

Credits: Le e c h e s for being splendid!


Hi. I'm Trixi. Sometimes I make things. ・ Need help? Contact me here: @Setrixi ・ Feel free to tag me! ・ #TrixiTricks

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