Premium Content: 【玲】x【晓】Yu-Pei [玉佩]

[Like the finest jade.]
Yu-Pei is a sculpt for Viera Male Face 2/102 that comes with custom-made iris textures, two choices of face textures, and optional fangs.
For a full list of included features and more example images, please visit:
Heterochromic Eyes are controlled by “Odd-Eye” functionality.
Please view the included “READ ME” carefully when using.

– Do not redistribute.
– Do not resell or profit off our work in any way.
– You may make personal edits to this character; however you may not give the assets away for others to edit without our express permission.
– For technical support and teeth upgrades, please reach out to ling#4301 or Oruk#5636 at Discord:

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